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Helping you live your version of the good life

Abe & Mary
Key Goals
  • Get on track for financial independence at age 55

  • Consolidate investment accounts and old 401k

  • Reduce taxes now and later

Key Concerns
  • Are we on track?

  • How to simplify and improve our investments?

  • How do we reduce our tax drag?

  • We worked with a financial advisor in the past, but they seemed more focused on selling us products than solving our problems.

Making Progress
  • They scheduled a complimentary intro call with Blake to see if it was a good fit and within a week, they were gaining clarity and confidence.

  • Abe, Mary, & Blake spent time building out their financial picture and getting clear on their goals, values, and concerns.

  • From there, Blake built a comprehensive plan that was both simple and strategic. The three of them collaborated over multiple conversations on the key steps to take both now and later.

Within a month, Abe and Mary…

  • Are on a stress-tested, clear path to financial independence by age 55

  • Consolidated their investment accounts and their old 401k

  • Have a much deeper understanding of their investment portfolio and overall investment strategy

  • Implemented solutions to reduce their taxes both now, throughout the future, and during retirement

  • Have a close relationship with a fiduciary, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ they can trust

Frank & Eleanor
Key Goals
  • Eleanor wants Frank to stop working so they can spend more time living their version of the good life.

  • They want to give to their favorite causes and their grandchildren both now and later.

  • They want to buy a vacation home near their children/grandchildren.

Key Concerns
  • Do they have enough to live comfortably without Frank’s income?

  • When to begin their Social Security benefits?

  • How will they cover healthcare costs in retirement?

  • Can they keep their current home and buy a vacation home?

Making Progress
  • They scheduled a complimentary intro call with Blake to see if it was a good fit and within a week, they were gaining clarity and confidence.

  • Frank, Eleanor, & Blake spent time building out their financial picture and getting clear on their goals, values, and concerns.

  • From there, Blake built a comprehensive plan that was both simple and strategic. The three of them collaborated over multiple conversations on the key steps to take both now and later.

Within a month, Eleanor & Frank…

  • Are on a stress-tested, clear path to Frank retiring next year and having an income that would increase with inflation and last throughout both their lives

  • Have a much deeper understanding of their retirement income plan and when to begin their Social Security benefits

  • Have a current and future plan for giving to their favorite charities and their church

  • Are clear on what they needed to do to purchase their vacation home

  • Have a close relationship with a fiduciary, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ they can trust

Key Goals
  • Financial independence/retire early by age 50

  • Align my money with my values and goals

  • Efficiently invest my capital for the long-term

  • Reduce taxes now and later

Key Concerns
  • Am I on track?

  • How to simplify and improve my investments?

  • What to do with the funds from selling my music business?

  • I worked with a financial advisor in the past, but they seemed more focused on selling me a product than helping me.

Making Progress
  • Scheduled a complimentary intro call with Blake to see if it was a good fit and within a week, she was gaining clarity and confidence.

  • Taylor & Blake spent time building out her financial picture and getting clear on goals, values, and concerns.

  • From there, Blake built a comprehensive plan that was both simple and strategic. The three of them collaborated over multiple conversations on the key steps to take both now and later.

Within a month, Taylor…

  • Is on a stress-tested, clear path to financial independence by age 50

  • Has a much deeper understanding of her investment portfolio and overall investment strategy with an investment plan that is efficient and simple

  • Implemented solutions to reduce taxes both now and throughout the future

  • Has a financial life plan to use her money as a tool to live her version of the good life

  • Has a close relationship with a fiduciary, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ she can trust

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